Administrative Assistant’s job roles are very vast with a lot of responsibilities. Do you not think they need enough skills to become great administrative assistants? Here in this blog, we will cover all the best tips to improve their skillsets to become the best executive assistants.
Administrative Assistants have a similar job duty to customer service. And they have more documentation work than customer service agents. For to be competitive and make the job easier they need to make sure they are perfect in communication skills with reading, writing, and listening. There may be more than one assistant for a company for each department. We are here with the best tips that are needed for you to learn and implement while working as administrative assistants. Read below the skills that they need to become great administrative assistants:
1) Competency in Work
Competency in your office in the basic checklist that you want to cover and put a tick mark on everything. The basic skills of answering phone calls, organizing and scheduling appointments, planning meetings, writing email, letters, forms, correspondence memos, daily reports, necessary software, and all word processing programs. These are the work that the administrative assistants are responsible for in day-to-day work. By acquiring these skills, they get the ability to do the job successfully and efficiently.
2) Organized in Work
Making every work organized in a well-structured way helps a lot for administrative assistants to focus and easily do all the tasks according to their time. Many organizational systems with proper filing, command center, mail system, and a to-do list always help you to be top of the list.
3) Good Communication Skills
Administrative Assistants nearly do all the job to interact and communicate with customers via phone and email to answer their queries and document what they need to make reports every day for their work and schedule appointments. They must be actively good at listening, reading, and writing to do all the tasks without any difficulty.
4) Time Management
Time Management is an important task that executive assistants need to take care of while performing their job as they a lot of responsibilities everyone must have to complete in a specific time to complete perfectly and with responsibility. You can manage your time by writing down your task list and prioritizing it accordingly and taking a break and focusing on the results.
5) Industry Research
You must not be limited to office or workspace limited by doing daily assigned tasks but be industry-specific with the right knowledge and with a lot more research that would help your company and your boss to get enough resources.
6) Independent in Work
To Be independent in work without any help from others make administrative assistants more valuable to others. They may face a lot of challenges in the work performing every responsibility. By becoming self-aware, self-monitoring and self-correcting everything can be managed well single-handedly by taking the initiative to give efficient solutions.
7) Be a Team Player
Being a team player means contributing to the work and managing and making the team better to be a more efficient team member to impress your boss and present everywhere to involve in every work by solving the problem and sharing insight and interest to assist and bringing a positive attitude in the work environment to feel comfortable for everyone.
These tips are great areas to improve and focus on to become great administrative assistants. By enrolling in our Administrative Assistants Diploma program, you will learn all the course modules, and skills to improve in the work to become a better administrative assistant or executive assistant to advance your career with the CAA certification to work as an assistant to get promoted to secretary level with the salary range of $42,000 – $61,000 per year. Get to join our Academy of Learning Career College to start studying and working in Canada to build your career.