Every year, many of us make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, save money, or travel more often. But how many times do we set goals for our future?
Setting achievable goals related to your career could have a bigger, longer-lasting impact in your life than, let’s say, temporarily losing a few pounds. Here are a few career resolutions to add to your list.
1. Update your resume (and LinkedIn and everything else!)
Even if you’re not currently looking for a new job, you should always keep your resume updated–you never know when you may need it!
Keeping your resume up-to-date is important for several reasons, including:
- It’s easier to recall your accomplishments when they are fresh in your mind, rather than trying to remember everything all at once months (or years) later;
- If a friend or recruiter calls with a great job opportunity, you’ll be ready to apply;
- If a promotion comes up at work, you can submit your application quickly demonstrating your experience and excitement for the new position;
- You’ll be prepared for the worst and will be able to recover more quickly after a layoff.
While you’re at it, update your LinkedIn, portfolio, and other documents too! Plus, revisiting your accomplishments can be a great confidence booster and give you clearer direction in your career path.
2. Build a new skill
It’s easy to get stuck in our daily responsibilities and forget the importance of building new skills for long-term career success.
Are there technical skills that would make you more competitive in your field? Are there tools or software you can learn to make your job easier? Is there a class you can take to help you get your next promotion?
Adding to your skill set will help you stay relevant in the workforce and prepare you for future work.
3. Break bad habits that make you less productive
Do you catch yourself periodically checking your Facebook? Are you multi-tasking to the point of being overly stressed? Or maybe you just don’t get enough sleep.
These things could be hurting your performance at work.
A quick Google search will show you that there are plenty of tips and techniques to help people be more productive. Different approaches work for different people, so it’s important to try a few tactics and see what works best for you.
4. Further your education
Whether it’s taking a few free classes online or deciding to go back to college, furthering your education expands your knowledge and helps you stay competitive in your industry.
At Academy of Learning Career College, Canada’s largest career college network, students can choose from over 30 diploma and certificate programs. As a Canadian owned and operated company, we tailor our curriculum and learning outcomes for the realities of the Canadian job market.