What really works, according to science?
Think about the goals you want to achieve for all ages. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of writing a book, starting a business, or learning to code. But for whatever reason, you’ll never go further than talking to a friend over lunch. Why so?
Tips for defining and achieving your goals, make sure they are not imposed on you.
Especially in the workplace, goals are often imposed on us from the outside, and it will be a problem if we never accept these goals.
Acquire the skills needed to achieve your goals.
If your effectiveness doesn’t work out, it could also be due to your lack of ability to achieve your goals.
Create an action plan.
If you want to achieve your goal, you must understand the difference between these two:
Objective intention: “I want to learn to code.”
Implementation Intent: “I will finish a lesson in an online coding course at my home office at 7 a.m. before I go to work.”